Final Vote: March 5?

Final Vote: March 5?

County Council, which was originally scheduled to take its final action on the Potomac Master Plan on Tuesday, Feb. 26, postponed its final worksession on the 20-year blueprint for landuse in Potomac, until Tuesday, March 5.

The March 5 worksession will be the last time councilmembers have the opportunity to review the document. Councilmembers can make last-day motions to change portions of the Plan. Any policy could be overturned or changed if it gets the needed five votes from the nine-member Council.

The Council changed the date of the worksession to ensure that the public had adequate time to review the Staff Resolution, according to Marlene Michaelson, council legislative analyst. The additional time has also allowed for additional lobbying on a variety of issues.

The Staff Resolution is the list of changes made by the Council during its worksession. The Council gives the public at least one week to comment to ensure that such changes adequately reflect the wishes of the Council.

Updating the plan started over three years ago between Park and Planning Staff and a citizens advisory committee.

"It won't be over until it's over," said Callum Murray.

Council has received many letters from citizens, attorneys and developers hoping for reconsideration of certain issues including the Cabin John redevelopment and the Turkey Foot property. Other letters have addressed rustic roads, widening roads and lighting in Potomac Village.

Council president Steve Silverman emphasized council's intention to use land already owned by the county to build affordable housing in a speech at the annual county affordable housing conference. The council amended the Master Plan to allow for three former school sites in Potomac to be used to build affordable housing.

"Councilmembers do take votes seriously, so they don't lightly take up reconsideration, but do if they feel like they were missing information," said Michaelson.