90 Years Young and 'Doin’ Fine'

90 Years Young and 'Doin’ Fine'

Happy Birthday

July 11, 2002

It would be easier to say who wasn’t at Lyn Carroll’s 90th birthday party.

The Surrey, the Potomac saddlery and gift shop she co-founded 49 years ago, was jammed with friends, family, fellow business neighbors and scores of other well wishers who popped in and out of the store on the evening of July 2 to help the doyenne of Potomac business celebrate.

Not that the crowd of nearly 200 well wishers wasn’t expected. She invited the entire community and the 98-degree heat deterred only the very feint of heart.

Seated near the store’s front door, wearing a tiara surrounded with faux pink mink, “The Boss,” as she is affectionately called by her employees, welcomed one and all.

“I don’t know what 90 is,” Lyn Carroll remarked.

Whenever asked, “How are you?,” she said, “Doin’ fine!” And, she does “do fine,” in spite of the arthritis she has coped with for over a half century.

During her fox hunting days, unable to hold the horse’s reins in her fingers, she wrapped them around her wrists, portraying her strong will.

Dozens of her fox hunting friends, were in the crowd, including many like Lyn Carroll who have hung up their saddles.

Austin Kiplinger, Bob Ladd, Ambassador Marion “Joe” Smoak, Sara Lee Greenhalgh, Jean Findlay, Betty Weintraub and Missy Kelly came by as did those still involved, including Skip and Vicki Crawford, Laurana Reed, Dr. Tom Blackwood, Toni Koerber, Junior Magassy, Gay Barclay, Leonard Proctor and Sue Roberts.

Janet Hitchen drove up from her Middleburg home and presented the honoree with a photo she took at the recent Virginia foxhound show, depicting the recipient holding a magnificent trophy. The trophy personifies the many volunteer years Lyn contributed to this show’s national competition.

People representing involvement in all segments of her life arrived. Members of the Potomac United Methodist Church — Loraine Kumm, Vee Stern, Mary Moe; DAR friends — Jaunita Bean, Suzanne Cerand, Elaine Jones, Nancy Snider, Kay Titus, Lynn Dermody; Women’s Board of the Washington Heart Association — Amelita Weller; the Potomac business community — Danny Lamoy from Partners, Susan Margolis and Leonard Proctor Jr., of Safeway, Bob and Gracie Rood and Gladys Perry from Flaps; and Potomac Valley Bank manager Jennifer Chan were among the many.

Friends, young and old, represented her many years in the community.

Michael McConihe, Sylvia Biggar, Tricia Berneburg, Mariea Sabate Clowers, Mary Stuart Scott, Chris McNickle and Jan Hensley, who were mere babes when Lyn Carroll and the late Anita Bogley started The Surrey 49 years ago, came to pay tribute to the lady who has known them all their lives.

U.S. Rep. Connie Morella (R-8) arrived bearing greetings from The White House, a congressional mug and a “Connie” T-shirt.

Del. Jean Cryor (R-15) brought proclamations from the Governor and the House of Delegates.

Adding to the festive occasion, Channel 5 (WTTG) filmed it all to accompany a personal interview previously taped. A three-minute segment with Holly Morris, is scheduled to air July 10.