School Board: Taking Care of Business

School Board: Taking Care of Business

July 19, 2002

The Fairfax County School Board holds regular business meetings twice a month at Jackson Middle School, 3020 Gallows Road in Falls Church. Special meetings are scheduled as required. The meetings typically start at 7:30 p.m. and are televised live on the school system's cable Channel 21. The board also holds work sessions to review topics at greater length, however, no official action is taken at these meetings.

When the board schedules a public hearing on a topic, the public is invited to speak but is required to preregister. The speakers' list opens three weeks prior to the public hearing and closes at 4:30 p.m. on the work day before the hearing. Speakers are allotted three minutes. Citizens can sign up by calling, 703-246-3646.

In addition, time is reserved during the regular business meetings for residents to address the School Board about matters on the agenda. The speakers list is limited to 10 people who have three minutes each. To sign up, call 703-246-3646, between 9 a.m. on the Monday preceding the meeting and 4:30 p.m. on the work day before the meeting.

Agendas for board meetings are published the week prior to a meeting or work session. A summary of the board's actions is published the day following a regular business meeting. For printed copies, call 703-246-2991. The agendas and summaries are also available on the school system's Web site at

THE REMAINING regular business meetings are scheduled for Sept. 12 and 26, Oct. 10 and 24, Nov. 7 and 21, Dec. 5 and 19 and Jan. 9 and 23. The rest of the year's meetings will be confirmed in January. The board does not meet in August.