Police Substation Well Ahead Of Schedule

Police Substation Well Ahead Of Schedule

Personnel May Move In Within 10 Days

Phase I of the renovations to the Mount Vernon District Police Station is well ahead of schedule allowing all station personnel to move into the newly completed section within the next 10 days.

That was the assessment of Acting Commander Lieutenant Daniel J. Townsend, as he announced that the entire project is six months ahead of its time table. "This can be attributed to our contractor, who has been really excellent, and the break we got from a mild winter," Townsend said.

Another factor expediting the move of all necessary personnel at this time is the largess of Mount Vernon District Supervisor Gerald W. Hyland. "In addition to the renovated police space the new offices of the supervisor have also been completed and he has given us the go ahead to use that area until after January 1," Townsend explained.

"The completed police space was really inadequate for their needs and we don't need the additional space at the present time as much as they do," Hyland said. "I thought they ought to use as much of the space in the supervisor's office as they need. We aren't pressed."

ORIGINALLY, COMPLETION was scheduled for June 2003, on the $7 million project, $5 million of which was allotted for construction costs. David Jackson, President, Zadmer Enterprises, Inc., the contractor from Upper Marlboro, MD, attributed the shortened time frame "to a lot of cooperation from various people, the owners, architects, and users (police department). We also got a real boost from mother nature."

Approximately 15,000-square-feet of the 25,000 feet total project has been completed under Phase I. "This will enable everybody in the existing facility to move into the new space. It also allows us to combine the renovations from Phase II and III into a single project which will also speed up the process considerably," Jackson said. The entire project is now forcasted for year end completion.

"I very excited about the move," Townsend said. "Particularly for the officers who have been working under the old conditions for so long."

IN ADDITION TO new work stations for officers, the renovations encompass more community meeting space, a much larger locker and kitchen area, new offices for probation and parole personnel, and other internal improvements, according to Townsend. It will add

nearly 21,000-square-feet to the complex, he estimated. The existing address, 2511 Parkers Lane, and all phone numbers remain the same.

"When it's all completed we will be conducting public tours so

everyone can see the new product. I hope I'm not transferred before it's complete. I'd like to be here for the formal opening," Townsend said.