Putting On a Play Takes Work

Putting On a Play Takes Work

In order to put on a play, a lot of things have to happen. Actors need to learn their lines. Stage managers need to set light and sound cues. A set may need to be built. And directors and producers need to oversee the whole process.

"The director is responsible for what you see on stage, and the producer makes sure that what you're seeing got there," said "Same Time Next Year" producer Barbara Chaudet.

One theater group currently running through this process is the Vienna Theatre Company. Its next production, "Same Time Next Year," runs in late October and early November and stars Jina Ames and Chuck Dluhy. A romantic comedy written by Bernard Slade, "Same Time Next Year" is about two people and their affair, which lasts for 25 years.

And while the cast features only two actors, the production still needs to go through the standard backstage preparations before the play opens. Producer Joan Silver designed the hair and makeup but needs to try it under the lights. She also found costumes for the actors. Although there are only two actors, the play takes place during six different time periods and requires several sets of costumes.

"We just have to make sure that it all blends together," Silver said.

Director Suzanne Maloney, who sees her job as figuring out how to tell the story to the audience, said Vienna residents can support them by supporting community theater.

"Community theater is so great because it's affordable," Maloney said. "It costs as much or less than a movie ticket."

"Same Time Next Year" performs Oct. 18, 19, 25, 26, 27 (matinee), Nov. 1, 2, with Friday and Saturday performances at 8 p.m. and Sunday performances at 2 p.m. Performances will be at the Vienna Community Center, 120 Cherry St. S.E. in Vienna. Tickets are $8, and $7 for seniors and students.

For more information, go to www.httpcity.com/vtcshows.