Mendelsohn Names Fay to Board

Mendelsohn Names Fay to Board

Thoesen, now mayor of Herndon, resigns Jan. 27

Kevin Fay of McLean, immediate past president of McLean Little League, has been nominated as Dranesville District’s new representative to the Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) board.

Fay will face a heavy time commitment that has to fit in an already busy schedule. He said he will try to “meet the fiscal challenges and environmental concerns that we all have.

“It is a question of trying to expand the facilities that we’ve got, and also make sure we are taking care of the existing facilities,” he said.

“Clearly, the priority here is to try to maximize park resources for everybody, particularly in the face of budget challenges, both for the Park Authority and county-wide.”

Fay’s nomination must be formalized by the FCPA board when it meets on Jan. 27, said FCPA Public Information Officer Judy Pedersen.

Before that, Fay said he hopes to meet Dranesville District constituents during a series of town meetings to be held by Dranesville District supervisor Stuart Mendelsohn (R) The first is scheduled at 7:30 p.m. tonight, Jan. 15, at the Great Falls Community Library.

Rick Thoesen, who was elected mayor of Herndon last May, will step down from the FCPA post effective Jan. 28, Pedersen said.

Fay is president of Alcalde and Fay, a public and government affairs firm in Arlington.

He has “four great kids,” ages 19, 18, 15, and 13. The family attends St. Luke’s Catholic Church in McLean.

Fay has also represented Dranesville District on the Fairfax County Athletic Council.

In 1996-’97, he negotiated for renewal of an expired special exception for the Little League field on Westmoreland Street.

THE FCPA BOARD has one representative from each of Fairfax County’s nine magisterial districts and three members appointed at large.

It is an unpaid post that requires attendance at about four meetings a month, with additional committee meetings.

Before Thoesen was appointed in November 2001, Richard Bissell of McLean and, before that, Richard Bliss of Great Falls were Dranesville’s representatives to the FCPA board.