Potomac Library: More Than Books

Potomac Library: More Than Books

Special Programs Bring Fun and Learning to the Community

Three-year-old Sydney Evans and many other young visitors would agree that the Potomac Community Library has much to offer. After inspecting the fish tank under the Rainbow Room's arch, perusing through a cart of beginner books, and playing animatedly with a new friend, she stopped to rest upon a huge stuffed dragon named Pepper.

Her grandmother, a resident of Potomac, laughed and said, “she likes to come here to play — not always read.”

Since 1985, the Potomac Community Library at 10101 Glenolden Drive in Potomac Village has served as more than a community resource for 60,000 books and materials.

What was once a small basement library in the bank building on Falls Road is now home of special programs and technological resources for Potomac neighbors of all ages.

This summer, the Potomac Library is holding about a dozen children’s' programs for young visitors like Sydney. Children from three different age groups can see performances by the Maryland Science Center, storytellers, theater groups and puppeteers. Space is limited, so parents must register their children for the events.

The library also participates in Montgomery County's Blast Off to Reading Summer Program. Children and teens may join anytime between June 17 and Aug. 1 to read, get prizes and enjoy special programs. The club ends Aug. 16.

A pillar beside the Rainbow Room is decorated like a rocket ship in celebration of this summer's space theme. It is covered in little, blue slips of paper, on which are the names of countless young readers.

The little library visitors are "like substitute grandchildren," said Andrea Greyber, who has worked at the information desk for five years.

She and the other librarians involved in children’s' programming enjoy reading to the children during storytime. Greyber has long been a resident of Potomac, and remembers visiting a traveling bookmobile years ago. The bookmobile visited one evening a week in the Potomac Village Shopping Center.

"It's great to have a focal point of the community," said Greyber. “There’s something for everyone here.”

The Potomac Community Library, located on 10101 Glenolden Drive in Potomac, MD., is open from 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Monday-Wednesday, 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Thursday-Friday, and 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. on Saturday. Call 240-777-0690 or visit montgomerylibrary.org for more information about the library.