Roving 'Rust' Bucket

Roving 'Rust' Bucket

<bt>While all campaigns have their roadway signs and their bumper stickers, the campaign of Republican Jack Rust has a prop no one else may have: a "Rustmobile."

"I was trying to show people there are lots of ways to be involved," said Annandale resident and Rust neighbor Bob Rosenbloom, who designed and painted the Rustmobile.

Rosenbloom's car was on the verge of ending its life earlier this spring. The car inspector had told him the costs to maintain the car were high. Rosenbloom's wife wouldn't let him keep the car for much longer, either.

But then he ran into Rust's wife, who told him to go to Rust's campaign kickoff. Wanting to find a way to show his support, Rosenbloom decided to paint his car.

The decision to paint the car was "the confluence of all these events — the fact that the candidate's name is Rust and the car's main selling point is rust," Rosenbloom said.

Rosenbloom took several weeks to paint the designs and catchphrases on the car, which include the often-used "Trust Rust" as well as the original phrase, "Nonplused? Choose Rust."

He also started a portrait of Rust on the car's hood, using one shade of paint and star stickers for texture.

While Rosenbloom found that some people appreciated the artwork, others were uncertain of what to think about it. Yet he hoped citizens would enjoy the car as much as he had fun making it.

At the very least, the Rustmobile, whose license plate is "Rust Car," drew attention whenever it was driven around.

"I think it shows the excitement involved in the campaign," said Rust's campaign manager Alfredo Rodriguez.