And They’re Off

And They’re Off

Chuck Floyd announces run for Congress, supports Techway.

Invoking God, country and Connie Morella, Republican Chuck Floyd came to Flaps in the Potomac Village to announce his candidacy for congress on Nov. 15. Floyd will be running in Maryland’s 8th Congressional district, which encompasses much of Montgomery County. The seat is currently held by U.S. Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D), who defeated long-time representative Connie Morella (R) last November. Van Hollen will be running for re-election.

Floyd’s real kickoff came the night before at the Republican convention in Annapolis, but his Flaps appearance started his run in the district.

Floyd said that he chose Flaps because of its history of being a focal point in the community. While most Republican heavy-hitters were at the state convention in Annapolis, Bill Askinazi, a member of the Ehrlich administration who ran unsuccessfully for delegate from District 15 in 1998 and 2002 was in attendance, as was former U.S. Rep. Gil Gude.

“We [the Republican party] are going to take back this seat, and this is the guy to do it,” Askinazi said.

His speech highlighted some of his top priorities, including relieving local traffic. After stating his support for the InterCounty Connector (ICC), Floyd used a phrase which has become a code for the Techway.

“We need to connect a lot of the dots,” Floyd said.

Transportation planners often use this phrase referring to a dotted line between the Rockville end of the ICC and the end of the Fairfax County Parkway in Virginia – a dotted line which crosses the Potomac.

LATER FLOYD STATED definite support for the Techway. “Oh, yes. We have to have businesses connect Dulles and BWI,” Floyd said.

He believes that it can be done using the existing road network. “We have a plan, it would be environmentally friendly and friendly to the district,” he said.

One of Floyd’s major issues is homeland security. Floyd cited Montgomery County’s the proximity to Washington D.C. as a driving factor in the need for enhanced security. “Homeland security is a local issue,” he said.

Floyd also largely supports the Patriot Act. He has not had an opportunity to study it fully, but says that at the current time he would not repeal any parts of it.

“I am OK with the security means that will protect our freedom,” he said later.

He supports the war in Iraq and expressed support for Israel. Floyd said that the United States will and should be in Iraq for some time to come. “We need to be in Iraq for the foreseeable future,’ he said. “As long as they need us, we should be there to help them like we help other countries.”

Environmentalism is another issue he stressed. “I am a true environmentalist,” Floyd said. Growing up as the son of a farmer gave him a respect for the land, he said.

He supports drilling for oil in the Alaskan National Wildlife Reserve. “We can drill in ANWR and be safe. We can if it’s done properly,” he said.