School Board Needs Progress, Creativity

School Board Needs Progress, Creativity

To the Editor:

We write this letter in order to urge the voters of the Springfield District to vote for progress, change, and reform by voting for Dr. Scott Martin as their representative in the Springfield District. The Connection/CentreView papers wrote that "Scott Martin is a creative thinker and problem-solver whose ideas should be considered by the Board." (Oct. 23-29) In order to ensure that these ideas are in fact considered by the Board, we need to ensure that Dr. Martin is there to present them. For the last four years, we have indeed had a "contentious and partisan" School Board. We would also add "largely dysfunctional." Quietly and consistently casting a partisan vote does not imply that a Board representative is a "moderate voice" — reaching across party lines to find compromises and solutions does. The Board desperately needs a representative like Scott Martin, an independent thinker who is willing to challenge the status quo and not be a rubber stamp for the establishment’s often entrenched, one-way philosophical and political viewpoints.

Like Scott Martin, we have a child just entering the school system for the next decade. His interests will be our interests, his concerns will be our concerns. This fact alone would almost be enough to earn my vote. Dr. Martin has already proposed truly original initiatives and ideas that can improve our schools, and we need Scott on the Board to ensure they are implemented. Dr. Scott Martin is the person. We need leadership, education, ideas, experience and his dedication to improve our schools for his children, and our children as well! His credentials in both education and administration qualify him to represent us on the School Board, and I urge you to join me in casting the most important vote of all, those for our children.

Ron Josephson