Teen Responds to Emergency

Teen Responds to Emergency

Rising HHS freshman administers CPR.

When he heard someone yelling, "Does anyone know CPR?," 14-year old Timothy Ryan came running to the man laying on the ground.

"He doesn't feel like it was that big of a deal," said Daniel Ryan, father of the young Herndon Golf Course volunteer who tried to save Daniel Lawley's life last week.

Ryan said his son, who will be a freshman next year at Herndon High School, is shy and hasn't talked too much about the experience, adding that it wasn't until the police came up to speak with him again in front of his mother, Amy Ryan, that he told her what happened.

"Tim said he'd tell her later," said Ryan when his wife asked why there were so many police and medics at the golf course July 23.

According to a Herndon Police Department news release, a 76-year old man was found slumped over in his golf cart on the 15th hole at the Herndon Golf Course and then taken to the clubhouse area, where Timothy stepped in and administered CPR.

Ryan said his son saw the man laying on the floor with other men and women standing around him, one on a cell phone. Timothy, after hearing someone ask if anyone knew CPR, stepped forward and administered CPR, which he had learned through a Red Cross baby sitter course in Nevada, until medical personnel arrived.

"When my wife called and told me at work about it ... I was surprised," said Ryan, adding he wasn't surprised his son would do that, but surprised he stepped forward because of how shy and quiet he is.

"He really hasn't talked a whole lot about it," said Ryan. "He just shrugs his shoulders and says 'I did what I thought I could do.'"

Even with Timothy's attempts to revive him, Lawley of Reston died July 23.