Annual Run Draws Crowd

Annual Run Draws Crowd

Children of all ages enjoy this race.

Almost 400 children braved the cold to participate in the 12th Kids I Did It Run at Stratford Landing Elementary School. Students from Stratford, Waynewood, Fort Hunt, Belleview, Mount Vernon Woods, St. Mary’s, St. Aidan’s, Aldersgate and Hollin Meadows for this annual event.

Directed by Sheryl Raftery and coordinated by Diana Hanak, the event was a success. Both Stratford and Waynewood received $100 Spirit Award checks for their schools because they had the most participants.

The Mount Vernon Police Bicycle Team led the runners through the Riverside Garden neighborhood and it was less than seven minutes before the members of the West Potomac Track Team, coached by Don Beeby, and the first runners hit the 1-mile finish line.

The younger runners enjoyed a one-quarter mile run, while the even younger ones took part in a 25-yard Toddler Trot. Everybody received a t-shirt and enjoyed Gatorade, fruit and cookies courtesy of Dr. Angelo Pace, Dr. Tobin Naidorf, Hughes Orthodontic, Sun Sew Vac, Fort Hunt Sportsmen Association, Hunan Manor, Village Hardware, Hollin Hall Automotive Service Station, Tom Pleimling Realty, Inc., Chris and Peggy White Long and Foster, Dr. Randall Binzer, Thomas Roberts, Jr. D.M.D., P.C. and St. Clair Appliances.