Local GOP Women Gain National Perspective

Local GOP Women Gain National Perspective

Federation president joins Mount Vernon Republican Women for lunch.

The Mount Vernon Republican Women know they are special, but they received a boost last week when the president of the National Federation of Republican Women joined them for their luncheon meeting at Mike’s Italian Restaurant.

Dianne Thompson’s credentials are so lengthy, that it took almost more time for Cathy Gillespie to introduce her than it did for Thompson to speak. In introducing Thompson, Gillespie listed the top five reasons why Thompson is a great leader: she was a high school cheerleader in the Midland, Texas area; she is a little impatient and likes to get things done; she rises to a challenge; she is very detail oriented; and she is very loyal to friends and the National Federation of Republican Women members.

Thompson said that the Republican women are not just workabees, but quoted President George W. Bush as saying, “The Republican women are the brains of the party.”

“He [Bush] knows your strength,” Thompson said.

She spoke about the upcoming the National Federation of Republican Women convention that will be held in Nashville, Tenn., saying that there would be some “great speakers.” She then shared some of the highlights of her term as president. One of those was meeting California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

“It was like a shot of B12,” she said.

Thompson has also enjoyed meeting with women from the Middle East who come to the United States to learn more about our country.

“They are very strong and ask a million questions,” Thompson said.

Angie Brach, president of the Mount Vernon chapter, served as host and presented Thompson with a $50 check for the Mary Martin Building Endowment Fund which helps to sustain the NFRW headquarters in Old Towne.