Back to School in Herndon

Back to School in Herndon

Herndon students hit the books Tuesday for Fairfax County Public Schools' first day.

Rachel Carson Middle School started its morning at 7:50 a.m., when students waiting on school buses were released for their first class, scheduled to start at 8 a.m. Students quickly filed off the buses, rushing to the front doors of the school. Many of the preteen girls found friends, quickly creating a group of five or more heading into the school. Along the way squeals were heard as they reconnected with friends they had not seen over the summer.

At Floris Elementary staff and teachers filled every corner of the hallways, directing younger students to the proper classroom. Principal Karen Siple walked up and down the halls helping students and making sure everything was in order. Teachers and older students also waited out front for the buses to pull up, dropping off more new students. From there, students were directed into the front door to start their day.

When the second bell of the day rang at Herndon Middle School, the halls were immediately overflowing with students trying to get to their next class on time. Principal Frank Jenkins stood in the school's front entrance, directing traffic, reminding students not to run and saying hello to those that came up to him. Within five minutes after the bell rang the hallways were empty and almost every student, except for those who were lost, were in their classrooms.

At McNair Elementary School new principal Stephen Hockett stationed himself in the middle of the front hallway. Welcoming new students and their parents, Hockett shook children's hands and helped the younger ones find their way through the halls full of students and teachers. Recognizing some children, Hockett called out their names to say hello before a kindergartner who was lost came up to him. Hockett walked the young boy to his class as students and parents continued to pour in through the school's front and side doors.