A Playground that Swings and Sildes

A Playground that Swings and Sildes

Children visiting the Potomac Community Center have a new bulldozer to ride, as well as a couple of horses.

They’re part of new playground equipment that the Department of Park and Planning installed at the Community Center this month. There’s also a new fort with ladders, stairs and slides; and a swingset with three different types of swings. While Park and Planning sponsored and installed the new equipment, Community Center Director Linda Barlock got to provide input and look through a “catalogue” of play equipment options.

Barlock felt that the previous playground equipment needed a facelift. "When we had those nice days, it was definitely used," she said.

There are two benches beside the new playground, and the Community Center is looking to augment it with several new ones. As the days grow warmer, this will provide a place for families at the center to linger outdoors.

"We have a lot of mom-and-tot classes,” Barlock said. “It's nice because then after the classes they can come out side and the moms can talk while the kids play."