Young Actors' Pet Project

Young Actors' Pet Project

It began as an way to earn a Girl Scout badge. Then, Morgan Miller, Lauren Goforth and Allie Jensen, sixth-graders at Flint Hill Elementary and members of Vienna Troop 208, decided their play could also serve a higher purpose.

They enlisted the help of fifth-grader Linda Bustillo, Allie's younger sisters Kelsi and Elise, and Lauren's older brother David and wrote and produced a play, called "Glimmer," illustrating the complexities of young female friendships.

They spent almost two months preparing and rehearsing the play and walked door-to-door advertising it, billing it as a pay-what-you-can performance with half the proceeds going to the Fairfax Animal Shelter. Morgan said she got her dog, Angel, at the shelter in December and had been meaning to give something back.

The play ran for two showings on Aug. 6 and 12, but it topped out on opening night, with a standing-room-only audience of about 30. The troupe performed the second showing for an audience of three.

In total, they raised $50, and four of the girls went to the animal shelter on Thursday to present half of the take as a donation.

<1b>— Mike DiCicco