Getting to Know … Geri Baldwin

Getting to Know … Geri Baldwin

A native of Halifax, Va., Geri Baldwin has lived in Alexandria since 1985. She is a former public-relations associate USA Today. For many years, she’s been a community activist for the Old Town West area. Currently, she’s trying to start her own business,

What kind of business are you trying to open?

I want to help people have their voices heard. There are a lot of issues in which people could voice their opinions if they use common sense. A lot of people come to me and ask me advice for dealing with police, landlords and doctors. So basically I want to be a consultant help people with all kinds of issues. I’m thinking about calling it “Code Active” because I want renters to be able report code violations without being in fear of their landlords.

You’ve been a member of the Landlord-Tenet Relations Board for three years. What kind of issues do you think renters are faced with in Alexandria?

Rent increases and condominium conversations have been serious issues. Basically, a lot of people are struggling to keep their homes — and not just necessary low-income people either. I would like to see people have some sort of security, especially the elderly and the disabled.

What concerns do you have about the community?

Safety is a big concern of mine because residents should feel safe, not threatened. Some security guards that have worked at Old Town West have been, in my opinion, a little too intimidating. Residents here need to have the courage to go and speak to somebody about these things. And that’s where “Code Active” comes in.

Will “Code Active” help only residents in Old Town West?

No, I want to branch out and help renters throughout the city of Alexandria. Eventually, I’d like to expand into the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. I want “Code Active” to be a well-established corporation that will have at least 20 employees to maintain air quality, create a sense of safety, deal with difficult landlords and make sure that police officers are offering protection and recognizing rights.

What is your favorite movie?

I’m into karate movies, so I like anything with karate in it. “Exit Wounds” is probably my favorite. Anything with Jet Li or Steven Segal.

What is the best book you read in the last year?

The Bible. I need nourishment for my soul. That’s the best way I can put it.

What are your achievements?

I am proud of my poetry, my music and my artwork. I like to call myself a starving artist. My poetry focuses on everyday life and different issues. Things pop into my head, and I’ll pick up the guitar and start playing. My artwork is basically still life and animals, but I don’t like drawing flowers. One time I made greeting card and then I saw the drummer for Fleetwood Mac at the drug store. We started talking, and he autographed it! That was so cool. I still have it.

What is your favorite local restaurant?

Don Pablo’s in Potomac Yard. I’m a vegetarian, so I have to order everything without the meat and its still the same price. But I love the food.

What is your favorite place in the community?

The waterfront by the Torpedo Factory. In the spring and summertime, I sit on the docks and draw the scenery. When people walk by, I try to figure out what kind of job they might have or what might be going through their minds. Then I’ll write poetry about it.