Martinez Hopes to Represent Western Loudoun

Martinez Hopes to Represent Western Loudoun

Martinez to Run Against May in November

Fernando "Marty" Martinez announced last week that he will run against Del. Joe T. May (R-33) to represent Clark County and western Loudoun County.

Martinez, a Democrat who serves on the Leesburg Town Council, said he is unhappy with the way Virginia is being led.

"The current assembly is not being very effective," he said. "I would like to help bring Virginia forward."

Martinez will focus on three major issues, transportation, growth and education.

Martinez said he would like to give localities more say in regards to who can and cannot develop in their area.

Martinez, a father of five, is passionate about the education system in the county.

"There are some schools that struggle to make state requirements," he said. "Even some ethnic groups are regressing to a certain degree."

He would like to make college education more affordable as well.

Martinez said he struggles to put two of his children through college.

"We have a third on the way to college," he said. "Believe me, it's not easy. We have to find a better way to make it work for more people."