Fun at FitArlington Festival

Fun at FitArlington Festival

The county kicks off its FitArlington initiative with a festival at Gunston Park.

Everyone knows that staying in shape is a key to maintaining good health. But many are still reluctant to lead active lifestyles.

County Board Member Walter Tejada (D) and School Board Member Ed Fendley are out to change that. On Saturday they kicked off the county's FitArlington initiative with a fitness festival at Arlington’s Gunston Park.

Rather than a heavy-handed attempt to force people to run marathons or take up cross training, the festival was instead a family-friendly event with youth soccer games, healthy snacks and multiple jumping castles.

"FitArlington is for everyone," Tejada said in a statement, "Not just athletes who play sports, but even for folks who have never exercised before, for the young and the not-so-young."

Arlington County’s FitArlington initiative will continue with other events held throughout the year.