Letter: Shared Values

Letter: Shared Values

To the Editor:

The following is an open letter to the Ahmadiyya Islamic Community.

The Centreville Immigration Forum wishes to express our concern for your community, which suffered from vandalism at your new mosque in Chantilly.

Whatever the reason for the vandalism, this kind of destructive behavior directed toward a religious group is a call for renewed efforts toward understanding. We hope that you know that many in the Centreville area are distressed about the message sent by vandals, and want to rebuild and restore the community that most Centreville residents value. We want a community that affirms diversity, where citizens work together to create a peaceful place where our children, our businesses, our civic organizations, and all of our religious groups can thrive.

We hope that we will have additional opportunities to work with you in the years ahead. Please let us know if there are ways we can be of service.

Centreville Immigration Forum

Alice H. Foltz, President