Centre View Roundups 7/11/12

Centre View Roundups 7/11/12

Route 50 Traffic to Shift

On or about this Thursday, July 12, there’ll be a shift in the regular traffic pattern for eastbound Route 50 traffic between Stonecroft Boulevard and Pleasant Valley Road. Just to the east of Pleasant Valley Road in Fairfax County, eastbound Route 50 traffic will be diverted some 50 feet to the north to cross over Cub Run and go up to the Stonecroft Boulevard intersection.

Weather permitting, the traffic switch will occur at night and will be fully operational Friday morning, July 13. The change won’t affect access to or from any of the side streets or entrances.

Free Carseat Inspections

Certified technicians from the Sully District Police Station will perform free, child safety carseat inspections Thursday, July 12 and 26, from 5-8:30 p.m., at the station, 4900 Stonecroft Blvd. in Chantilly. No appointment is necessary. But residents should install the child safety seats themselves so technicians may properly inspect and adjust them, as needed.

However, because of time constraints, only the first 35 vehicles arriving on each date will be inspected. That way, inspectors may have enough time to properly instruct the caregiver on the correct use of the child seat. Call 703-814-7000, ext. 5140, to confirm dates and times.

Internet Security Workshop Slated

Parents concerned about what their children are exposed to on the Internet might want to attend an Internet Security Workshop on Saturday, July 14, from 10 a.m.-noon. It’ll be sponsored by and held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 14150 Upper Ridge Drive in Centreville, behind the McDonald’s on Route 28.

Frank Stone, an Internet security specialist for a Defense Department agency, will discuss practical ways of controlling the content of computer and media influence that enters the home. In addition, a Fairfax County police officer will speak about “General Safety for You and Your Children.”

Sully District Council Meeting

The Sully District Council of Citizens Associations and its Land-Use Committee will meet Wednesday, July 25, at 7 p.m., in the Sully District Governmental Center, 4900 Stonecroft Blvd. in Chantilly. Call Jeff Parnes, evenings, at 703-904-0131.

The panel will learn about BB&T’s proposal to build a drive-in bank in Centreville’s Sully Station Shopping Center. It will also hear details about Fairfax Forward, Fairfax County’s next step in the new planning process that replaced the countywide Area Plans Review (APR).

Public Transit Meeting Set

The Fairfax County Department of Transportation is conducting the Countywide Transit Network Study to determine the type of transit systems needed to accommodate forecasted growth throughout the county over the next several decades. A public meeting will be held Monday, July 16, in rooms 9 and 10 of the county Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway in Fairfax. It’ll run from 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m., with a 20-minute presentation at 7 p.m.

The study will develop recommendations for where Metrorail should be extended, where streetcar or light-rail systems are appropriate, and where dedicated lanes that allow buses to move faster could go. It will also recommend how the system may be phased in and funded over time.

Area residents are encouraged to attend the meeting or a workshop to discuss the study purpose and scope and schedule and help refine proposed study goals and objectives. They may also help identify possible modifications to the Comprehensive Plan designation of Enhanced Public Transportation Corridors.

WFCCA Holds Land-Use and Quarterly Meetings

The West Fairfax County Citizens Association (WFCCA) will hold its quarterly meeting Monday, July 16, and its Land-Use Committee meeting on Tuesday, July 17. Both meetings are at 7 p.m. in the Sully District Governmental Center, 4900 Stonecroft Blvd. in Chantilly.

Recycle During Electric Sunday

http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dpwes/publications/recycling/event-electric-2010.pdf Residents may recycle old TVs, computers, peripheral electronic devices – such as keyboards, speakers, printers and scanners, as well as household hazardous wastes – including fluorescent light bulbs and tubes, for free, during Fairfax County’s “Electric Sunday” events. The next one is slated for Sunday, July 22, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., at the I-66 Transfer Station, 4618 West Ox Road in Fairfax. For more information, call 703-324-5052.

WFCM Seeks Food, Volunteers

Western Fairfax Christian Ministries’ (WFCM) food pantry urgently needs donations of oil (48 oz. or smaller); flour (2-5 lb. bag); sugar (2-5 lb. bag); rice (2 lb. bags); canned meats; salad dressing, jelly; jam; peanut butter, spaghetti sauce, Ramen Noodles, canned fruit; canned beets, spinach, greens, and mixed vegetables; canned garbanzo, butter and northern beans; dry pasta and beans, pancake mix and syrup; hot and cold cereal and coffee. In addition, the Food Pantry would appreciate fresh produce from local gardens.

Also needed are laundry detergent, toothpaste, shampoo, toilet paper and baby wipes. WFCM clients are also in great need of gasoline cards.

Bring all items to WFCM’S food pantry at 13981 Metrotech Drive (near Backyard Grill and Bar) in Chantilly. Volunteers are also needed:

Thrift store: Volunteers are needed Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., to receive donations. Contact Volunteer Manager Annette Bosley at 703-988-9656.

Food pantry: Volunteers are needed Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m., to bag/stock groceries. A regular, weekly volunteer is also needed on Wednesdays to pick up donations from Food Lion, from now through August.

Furniture ministry: One person is needed to help move furniture that will be given to clients in need.

Meals on Wheels Volunteers

Fairfax County needs Meals on Wheels drivers in Chantilly and group Meals on Wheels coordinators in both Chantilly and Fairfax. Contact Volunteer Solutions at 703-324-5406, TTY 711, mailto: VolunteerSolutions@fairfaxcounty.gov or visit http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dfs/olderadultservices/volunteer-solutions.htm.