Colvin Run Elementary Gives to the Needy

Colvin Run Elementary Gives to the Needy

Decorated bins on display at the food donation ceremony.

Decorated bins on display at the food donation ceremony. Photo by Olufemi Akinsitan


Students of Colvin Run Elementary School in a short play at the food donation ceremony.

Children of Colvin Run Elementary School gathered in the school sport auditorium on Monday, Feb. 4, to mark the beginning of the school’s food donation program.

According to one of the organizers, Alex Miller, a fifth grade teacher in the school, “the idea of a food donation program was suggested by the PTO,” while the school embarked on sensitizing the children through the morning news show.

Under the program, students will deposit their unopened milk, yogurt, chips and other food in specially marked coolers and bins. These will be delivered by volunteers twice weekly to Reston Interfaith. Also, foil lined bags and empty juice pouches will be collected for the fourth grade tetra cycling service project.

The event featured a short play by the students and a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Present at the event were all the students, teachers, volunteers and parents.