Week in Vienna

Week in Vienna

New Vienna Bus Routes to Be Discussed

The next meeting of Vienna at Your Service (VAYS) will be Tuesday, March 12, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. in the Vienna Volunteer Fire Department, 400 Center St. S.

The program will feature a presentation by representatives from the Virginia Department of Transportation on bus service improvements for the start of the new Silver Line stations in Tysons. The presentation will focus on the proposed Vienna routes only. Anyone interested in this topic is invited to attend to learn about and discuss the proposed routes.

The meeting will also feature a presentation by the Vienna Police Department on recent department happenings and relevant statistics. In addition, representatives from area civic and non-profit organizations will provide updates and information on upcoming events and activities.

Vienna at Your Service is designed to give citizens the opportunity to learn more about their community. This event is free and open to the public; no registration required. For more information, contact the mayor’s office at 703-255-6311, at mayor@viennava.gov or visit www.viennava.gov/index.aspx?nid=748.