Letter: Ballot Access Secured

Letter: Ballot Access Secured

To the Editor:

— It’s been quite a week, working to secure ballot access in House District 44. I am happy to pass along the report, received earlier today (Friday, June 14), that I have successfully qualified for the November ballot. This means, House District 44 will indeed have a good, godly, moral choice on Election Day 2013.

Bear in mind, if the decision had been left up to “the powers that be,” or had it been subjected entirely to the will and whim of political convention, or the shallow persuasions of human decision, this door would have undoubtedly remained shut.

While I certainly have no reason to boast, I have every reason to “tip my hat” out of respect for ordinary citizens, moved by the dictates of conscience. And with humble conviction, I give thanks to God, who continues — even in this day and age — to govern the affairs of mankind by his invisible hand, and according to his divine purpose.

Joseph A. “Joe” Glean

On the ballot, by voter petition