Bad Legislation

Bad Legislation

To the Editor:

The local progressives, liberals, socialists, Democrats or whatever the dynamic duo calls themselves now-a-days are at it once more: The Reston Connection, Oct. 9-16, 2013 “The Battle to Insure Everyone,” by Kenneth Plum, and “Republican Shutdown—Shouldn’t We All Get a Turn,” by John Lovaas, Page 6.

At this writing, the Republicans have waited for 10 days at the negotiating table for the socialists to show. Of course, we know the president’s response: “Surrender to my demands then we’ll talk!” Does this dude (and his gofer—Harry Reid) really think the Republicans just fell off a turnip truck? Now our Representative Connolly has climbed on the bandwagon and is yammering, “We don’t want to negotiate under a threat!” Wake up and smell the coffee, Gerry!

The “Affordable [Health] Care Act is bad legislation. It is fraught with political chicanery (exempting the president and his staff, Congress, the Scotus, the Departments of Justice and Labor, and the members of about 1,200 labor unions—one third of the working force in the country—his political base!) It is full of errors and omissions. Indeed, over the past year, the president illegally has delayed the implementation of various key provisions of the law. It establishes an entire new legal specialty—healthcare advocates that will provide representation before the numerous boards and commissions. It is a boon to a black market healthcare industry. Congress should be ashamed that supposedly 535 (well maybe just a majority) intelligent legislators turned out such a defective piece of legislation. One of the first things novice legislators are told is “Better no law than a bad one.” As one former legislator noted over the airways, “Those who voted for it should be walking around with bags over their heads.”

There are those who claim it is the law of the land and we must all fall in line like lemmings. The Framers of our Constitution knew what they were doing in providing for checks and balances. The powers of taxation and spending belong to the people (The House of Representatives). This was decided by the Magna Carta long ago and has been reiterated a number of times since then. Does King Barry need another Magna Carta moment? If so, let’s hope we have become more civilized since the first go-around!

Jack Kenny
