Attorney General Needs to Uphold Justice

Attorney General Needs to Uphold Justice

To The Editor:

As Delegate Ken Plum knows, The chief law enforcement officer of Virginia is the governor. The attorney general serves as the action officer to carry out the governor's duties ["Science Goes on Trial in Virginia,” Reston Connection, Oct. 16-22]. The attorney general is obligated to enforce the laws of the commonwealth. However, all commonwealth attorneys do have discretionary powers on which possible violations of the law to prosecute; e.g., whether or not to prosecute a Class Four felony. Attorney generals also have a duty to bring justice and prove innocence when there is evidence of a miscarriage of justice. Del. Plum cites the case of a University of Virginia professor who appears to have violated a Commonwealth Law. The situation demanded an investigation into the possible use of proven, faulty research on climate change of which there are substantial reams of examples. Judges, not necessarily expert in science, decided that state taxpayer funds could be expended on research without oversight.

Climate change has been politicized; rational discussion has been forced to take a back seat. Extreme, radical solutions have been proposed by the EPA; e.g., the War on Coal without consideration for the moral, economic and cultural values.

Studies have shown that in recent years, the Arctic Ice Cap has grown by a full mile in all directions. Several years ago, one study of the polar bear population revealed that there were only 5,000 bears left in the Arctic. Last year, polar bear enumerators found 24,000 animals that had moved to warmer waters. We ought to consider electing a polar bear to represent the residents of the 36th House District.

Fundamental change advocate Delegate Plum can don a pair of waders and retire to Virginia Beach to watch the water creep up to his knees.

Alma Jackson
