Week in Great Falls

Week in Great Falls

Town Hall Meeting on Deer Issues

Great Falls Citizens Association will hold a Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday, April 8, at 7:30 p.m. at the Great Falls Grange, as a Part II - GFCA Deer & Forest Health Program.

Part one of this program was held in March when Commonwealth and Fairfax County experts discussed the role of deer in forest degradation, Lyme disease and car collisions. The April 8 program will look at possible solutions * Kristen Sinclair, Fairfax County Park Authority, who will outline deer control in county parks;

  • Kevin Rose, certified wildlife biologist with the VA Department of Game & Inland Fisheries, who will discuss Commonwealth hunting requirements and non-lethal forms of deer control; and

  • Jerry Peters, Great Falls resident and founder of Green Fire, who will describe his neighborhood's bow hunting program and the impact on local deer herds.

There will be ample time for questions and answers during this public program.

Talk on Sundials at Great Falls Library

On April 10 at 7 p.m. at the Great Falls Library Fred Sawyer, President of the North American Sundial Society, will talk about Gnomonic Tales of Thomas Jefferson (and other Founding Fathers)."

Reservations are required. The lecture will consider sundials in the lives of Thomas Jefferson and other prominent figures of early America such as George Washington and Benjamin Franklin. Rather than serving simply as timekeeping devices, sundials will be seen as academic exercises, inspirations for poetry, symbols of an industrious new country, invitations to relaxation, and opportunities for invention.

On April 10 at 7 p.m. at the Great Falls Library Fred Sawyer, President of the North American Sundial Society, will talk about Gnomonic Tales of Thomas Jefferson (and other Founding Fathers)."

Reservations are required. The lecture will consider sundials in the lives of Thomas Jefferson and other prominent figures of early America such as George Washington and Benjamin Franklin. Rather than serving simply as timekeeping devices, sundials will be seen as academic exercises, inspirations for poetry, symbols of an industrious new country, invitations to relaxation, and opportunities for invention.

Sawyer is a cofounder and the current president of the North American Sundial Society (NASS), and a vice president of the British Sundial Society. He is also the editor of The Compendium, having been responsible for each of the 80 quarterly issues to date. He has authored over 100 articles on gnomonics, and is a regular speaker at both NASS and BSS conferences. His interests lie primarily in theory, historical techniques for drawing dials, and new dial forms (including his own wandering gnomon, equant, compressed gnomonic, Ptolemaic coordinate, Foster point, and other varieties).

In 2000, Sawyer and his family instituted the Sawyer Dialing Prize awarded each year at the NASS conference to an individual for accomplishments in, or contributions to, dialing or the dialing community.

Great Falls Chiropractor to Host Blood Drive

Loebig Chiropractic & Rehab and The American Red Cross will be hosting a community blood drive in Great Falls, at the office of Dr. Glenn Loebig, 754 Walker Rd, Great Falls on Tuesday, April 15 from 1– 6 p.m.

The need for blood locally remains constant, and donations are needed to offset recent blood shortages. People can donate a pint of blood every 56 days and each donation can help save up to three lives. Blood donations help a variety of patients, including those going through cancer treatments, surgical patients and premature babies, among many others. Donors are encouraged to eat a meal prior to giving blood and drink plenty of water.

Blood donation requirements include a photo ID, a minimum weight of 115 pounds and minimum age of 17. A 16-year old may donate blood with written parental consent and there is no upper age limit for donating blood. Many health conditions and medications do not prevent someone from donating blood.

Call 703-757-5817 with any questions.

Serving the Great Falls area for over 16 years, Dr. Glenn Loebig and his staff specialize in difficult and challenging cases of spinal disc injury and trauma, whiplash, scoliosis, and degenerative diseases-and also focuses on treating complex sports and extremity injuries.