Sherwood Hall On-Street Parking Preserved

Sherwood Hall On-Street Parking Preserved

Repaving and restriping began July 7.

The $474,000 Sherwood Hall Lane repaving and restriping project from Route 1 to Fort Hunt Road began Monday, and is expected to be completed within a month, according to Virginia Department of Transportation.

Although elimination of on-street parking in some areas of Sherwood Hall Lane was considered in the beginning phases of the plan, on-street parking will remain between Parkers Lane and Fort Hunt Road, following public opposition to its elimination.

“It’s about what the residents need right there, and I’m glad we were able to accommodate what they want,” said Joan Morris of VDOT.

Slight adjustments to on-street parking west of Parkers Lane will be made, Morris said.

Additionally, crosswalks are being considered between Parkers and Fort Hunt across Sherwood Hall Lane to appease community interest. This is being considered separate from the current restriping and repaving project.

At a public meeting in March, many residents expressed interest in a crosswalk across from Hollin Meadows Elementary School.

This included Olivia Luby, a student at Hollin Meadows Elementary School, who said it is impossible for her and her classmates to cross Sherwood Hall Lane to get to school.

“Sherwood Hall Lane is a very busy street. Lots of people like to cross it to get to school. That can be difficult for people to cross the street because of all the cars. We were wondering if you could help us get a crosswalk to help my classmates get to school safely and maybe even a speed bump if you’re feeling generous,” Luby said at the meeting.

Some Sherwood Hall Lane residents at the meeting were opposed to bike lanes, including Jack Pardue, who said the restriping will take away parking space and cause more speeding and traffic.

“I have nothing against bikers,” Pardue said. “But this will destroy our property values.”

Despite some opposition, repaving will include a parking lane, bike lane and travel lane in each direction.

From Holland Road to Parkers Lane, cyclists and motorists will share the road, which will be marked by “sharrows.”

At Sherwood Hall Lane and Fordson Road, left-turn lanes will be added to improve safety and traffic flow. According to VDOT, the intersection will also be configured so a future crosswalk can be added.

Residents are reminded to avoid parking where the “no parking” signs are posted.