Letter: Best to Continue Moran's Reform Legacy

Letter: Best to Continue Moran's Reform Legacy

To the Editor:

There are many candidates vying to carry the mantel of retiring U.S. Rep. Jim Moran in the 8th congressional district. Of these, I believe only one will show the true leadership needed to continue to advance Representative Moran's legacy of opposition to the federal government's war against marijuana consumers and that candidate is state

Senator Adam Ebbin.

This is an issue of particular importance in Virginia's 8th District. In Arlington County, African Americans are only an estimated 8.2% of the population, but constitute about 50% of all marijuana arrests in the county. This despite using marijuana at similar rates to their Caucasian counterparts. Statewide, enforcement of our overly punitive marijuana

laws comes with a price tag of over 67 million dollars a year to taxpayers. The cost of enforcement in Alexandria City and Arlington County alone cost several million dollars a year.

It is time for a new approach to marijuana that respects individual civil liberties, creates a new tax and job generating industry, and accepts the reality that marijuana is no more harmful than alcohol and should be regulated as such. State Senator Adam Ebbin would bring with him the necessary knowledge, leadership skills, and tenacity required to

continue to roll back our failed federal war on marijuana and help move the country towards a new, common sense policy.

Erik Altieri, Alexandria