Safety Apps are Now Available

Safety Apps are Now Available

See Something, Send Something: This app is a nationwide suspicious-activity reporting tool to help fight terrorism and criminal activity. It does not replace 911 for emergency situations. This app allows people to send suspicious activity as a photo or text directly to the Virginia State Police. Visit

Child Safe Kit: This site provides a free Child Safe Kit, delivered to people’s doors. They may record vital statistics and urgent medical information in case it’s needed quickly by authorities. Visit

FBI Child ID: This application provides a convenient place to store vital information about a child. Allows quick emailing of the information and provides safety tips. Visit

Alert ID: A site for keeping up-to-date on what’s happening around home/work. People will get email notifications when certain offenses occur within the chosen radius of an address. This site also offers other information, such as weather updates, and is a social network too. People may use it to have discussions with neighbors and meet new neighbors. Visit

Before using the following two apps, people must check to see if their specific campus has this program. Students may use it to stay up-to-date about campus emergencies:

Campus Alerts:

Live Safe: