Letter: Inattentive Drivers

Letter: Inattentive Drivers

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

As I was leaving the CVS on S. Washington Street (ironically, I wa getting a prescription filled to keep me healthy), I was nearly hit by a car. He was turning left from S. Washington Street, in front of oncoming traffic, to get onto Wilkes Street. I was crossing Wilkes Street and I had the white Walk sign. Startled by the car rushing towards me, I froze, and then did a little dance to get out of the way. As the driver went by me, he yelled, “Just keep walking!” as if I was in the wrong.

This is the second time this week that I have almost been hit by a car. On Wednesday evening, I was crossing S. Washington Street to get home and a car coming from Jefferson Street onto S. Washington Street nearly ran into me. Again, I had the white Walk sign. This time the driver apologized and said she hadn’t seen me.

When are the police going to patrol our unsafe streets in Old Town and prevent accidents? Believe me, these aren’t the only times I have nearly been run over by inattentive or careless drivers.

Carolyn Ostrom
