Fairfax: Alexandria Architectural Firm Wins Design Awards for Renovated Animal Shelter

Fairfax: Alexandria Architectural Firm Wins Design Awards for Renovated Animal Shelter

Fairfax County Animal Shelter in Fairfax: renovated and expanded main lobby.

Fairfax County Animal Shelter in Fairfax: renovated and expanded main lobby. Photos by Hoachlander Davis Photography, Washington, D.C.


Main entrance to the Fairfax County Animal Shelter in Fairfax.

Since its renovation and expansion in Spring 2014, Cole and Denny Architect’s design for the Fairfax County Animal Shelter (FCAS) at 4500 West Ox Road has received four honor awards for design excellence, including the Virginia Federation of Humane Societies Compassion Award, design excellence award from NAIOP of Northern Virginia for “Best Building, Build-to-Suit Institutional Facility for under $20 million,” American Public Works Association Mid-Atlantic Chapter Honorable Mention for “Public Works Project of the Year for a structure between $5 million to $25 million,” and recently, a 2015 Merit Award for exceptional design services from the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors recognizing achievement in total design and outstanding site planning. Cole and Denny Architects (C&D) of Alexandria was the architect for this $8 million multi-phase expansion and renovation project.

Officially in place since May 2014, renovations and expansion have more than doubled this shelter’s size, enhancing its services to surrounding communities. Along with additional space in the main foyer/reception area, there is increased shelter capacity, new community education and administrative space, and additional rooms providing state-of-the-art pet admission and adoption services. “Renovation and expansion were urgently needed,” says John Cole, C&D president. “With almost 5,000 animals coming through its doors each year, and a better than 90 percent adoption rate, additional space and state-of-the-art upgrades were required to help maintain a healthy and caring atmosphere for animals and potential pet owners.”

“This Shelter seeks to maintain our vision as a place of hope, possibilities, and solutions for pet owners throughout Fairfax County and the Northern Virginia region,” says the Animal Shelter’s acting director Barbara Hutcherson. “Expanded capacity allows us to provide a more enriching environment for the animals in our care, along with a host of community outreach services. This upgraded facility symbolizes our vision of a better tomorrow for people and their animals.”

The Fairfax County Animal Shelter is open from noon to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday. For more information about the shelter, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/police/animal or contact 703-830-1100.