Letter: Council’s Role In Enrollment?

Letter: Council’s Role In Enrollment?

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Board’s failure to build enough school capacity several decades ago with the result that today’s schools are overcrowded. However, at that earlier time our school population was in steady decline. From just under 15,000 students, the number of students in our schools was reduced to almost 10,000. Lee School was closed, and the board considered closing others.

Why are schools bulging today? One reason might be because several years ago Prince William County officials declared they did not want illegal immigrants clogging their street corners as they waited for pick-up jobs. The Alexandria City Council declared us a sanctuary city, and they would be welcome here. The following fall, my neighbors with children in ACPS reported a heavy influx of Hispanic youngsters in their classes. While I was tutoring at my neighborhood school a few years ago, at the end of the school day when students poured out of the building, I remember wondering what had happened to the black students and white students — almost every one I saw was Hispanic.

The School Board can be expected to look at the usual demographics to predict future enrollment needs, but it cannot be faulted for major changes induced by public policy beyond its control. Nor should it be criticized for that.

Ellen Latane Tabb
