Letter: Motivation For Running

Letter: Motivation For Running

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

While reading the informative interviews with Allison Silberberg and Bill Euille on page 1 of last week's Gazette-Packet, I was brought up short by the following quote from Euille: "... it has nothing to do with ego. My personal decision to run is out of a concern that the progress we’ve made will all come to a screeching halt."

Really? We all know that Euille ran, unsuccessfully, for Congress last year. Before that, as reported first in this newspaper, he attempted, unsuccessfully, to secure a position with the McAuliffe administration in Richmond. Had either of these opportunities panned out, Bill Euille would have abandoned the Mayor's office in a heartbeat. His motivation for waging the current write-in campaign is most definitely not primarily out of concern for the city or citizens of Alexandria.

Alan Chodos
