Letter: City Council Decision-making

Letter: City Council Decision-making

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

At the last council meeting, City Council once again clearly demonstrated they are listening … to the developers but not the citizens of this community. Their vote to approve the conditions for a Development Special Use Permit (DSUP) for the redevelopment of the Robinson Terminal North (RTN) site blatantly shows they value protecting developer profits over the well-being and safety of the residents of that area and Alexandria citizens at large.

The Bogle Chemical Company operated on the RTN site for almost 51 years during which time it became contaminated with arsenic trioxide, sodium arsenite, 2,4,5-T and Silvex … all highly toxic chemicals.

As stated in the RTN DSUP, 51,500 cubic yards of that contaminated, toxic soil will be excavated to develop an underground garage. While barging is a safe, viable and affordable method of transporting that hazardous material from the site, the developer has refused to use barging on the Potomac River because it would increase their construction costs. To accommodate the developer, city staff backed away from their initial requirement to barge the material and now the council has approved the use of over the road trucking of more than 5,000 truck loads of toxic, contaminated soil through the streets and neighborhoods of Alexandria … right on the very streets, sidewalks and playgrounds where our children play and our pets roam.

The primary role of government is the protection of its citizens and their property. Developer profits should not be more important than public safety nor should the citizens of Alexandria suffer the tax burden when it comes to fixing streets and other city infrastructure damaged by unnecessary overuse.

This is not a case of “don’t build in my back-yard”… the city needs development, but it needs responsible development. The RTN DSUP approval clearly points to irresponsible city councilors … councilors that have turned a deaf ear to the citizens of Alexandria. Next Tuesday is an opportunity to “express our opinion” and show the incumbent City Council, in particular the ringleader Bill Euille, we are tired of them not listening and tired of developer influence. Don’t wait to be then next victim… vote for a new City Council that will put the interests of citizens ahead of developer profits.

Richard Platt
