Letter: Consider School Board

Letter: Consider School Board

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

The school year has started and as many Alexandrians are getting to know the student’s teachers and principals, they should also be getting to know their School Board members as well.

One School Board member Alexandrians need to know is Ronnie Campbell. She is a mother of three children, including one child with special needs, all of whom attended and graduated Alexandria City Public Schools, Ronnie understands the school system. She is a resident of Alexandria for over 29 years and been involved in a variety of school leadership roles:

  • School Board Budget Advisory Committee 2004-06

  • School Board Calendar Committee 2003-04

  • School Board Health Advisory Board 2002-04

  • Special Education Advisory Committee 1998-2006

  • Therapeutic Recreation Committee 2000-06

  • City Before- and After-Care Committee 2004-06

There are important issues facing our school system — increased student enrollment, better collaboration with City Council, more support for teachers and staff — and while our new Superintendent, Alvin Crawley, has been working hard to make changes for the better, he needs School Board members like Ronnie Campbell who care about Alexandria’s students and teachers who can get things done.

My wife and I have known Ronnie Campbell over 10 years now and we endorse her for Alexandria City Public School Board and encourage everyone in District C this Election Day to vote for Ronnie Campbell.

Michael and Yolanda Carrasco
