Chantilly Letter: Intolerance and Hatred

Chantilly Letter: Intolerance and Hatred

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Donald Trump — the fading hot topic of last year; currently known for being the frontrunner in the Republican presidential primaries along with his infamous bigotry. Throughout 2015, the media exploited all the ignorant acts he displayed towards any minorities, beginning with the Hispanic community and now moving on to Muslims, or anyone with a darker complexion for that matter.

There are two recent events which I would like to shed some light on where Mr. Trump indecently targeted two people he believed to be Muslims. At the recent Iowa rally, a Sikh man protesting “Stop Hate” was removed purely for wearing a turban. Trump was on the topic of terrorism when he spotted the man peacefully protesting and taunted him as he was kicked out.

The second occasion was at a rally in South Carolina, where a Muslim woman wearing a hijab silently stood up during his speech as a form of protest. She was instantly picked on and escorted out as a “disturbance.” Both of these harmless acts of protest are in response to Trump’s ludicrous idea of banning all Muslims from entering the U.S. Did these individuals cause any harm or havoc upon anyone? In fact, the protests sparked a conjoined hatred from the crowd and Trump himself.

Trump’s main source of support comes from his ability to pin point a group of people to blame and convince his followers to do the same. As an American-born Muslim woman, I cannot see how Trump wants to exclude all Muslims from America, under the notion that all of them are terrorists, when he is the source of hatred towards innocent individuals. Trump degrades all Muslims and labels them as terrorists, even though those two terms do not go hand in hand. The definition of terrorism is using violence or intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. If I am not mistaken, Trump has degraded Muslims in almost all of his rallies and debates purely to gain more support from the like-minded ignorant Americans voting for him. I hope that our nation can educate itself about his presidential candidacy rather than be brainwashed by his fact-less profanity.

Saba Amjad
