Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Water Bills in Arlington

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Water Bills in Arlington

Thanks to you and Eden Brown for the article on the current spate of high water bills. In order to persuade the County to look into the problem, we're putting together as large a data base as possible of people whose bills have gone up by more than 10-20%. It seems that some had recent bills that just shot up; others have seen a gradual increase over the past year. We're asking people to send me an email (tinachancey@cs.com) that includes:

Your name and address

A copy of your highest recent bill

Supporting information that might have affected your bill. Some of these are things we may not usually associate with the water bill. During the billing period, did you have:

A leak (how long, was it fixed)?

Fewer /or more people in your house?

Were you away for any length of time?

Did you have any construction work done on your house or yard?

Was there any construction near you, for a private residence or a county project?

Did you water your lawn more? How much more?

Did you get any new appliances? A new EV charging station?

Was there a thunderstorm? A power outage?

If you have questions, please contact me as well.

Tina Chancey
