Rainy-Day Fun at Fairfax Fall Festival

Rainy-Day Fun at Fairfax Fall Festival

A rainy day didn’t dampen anyone’s fun at Saturday’s Fairfax Fall Festival.

Photos By Bonnie Hobbs/The Connection

Koraline Blend, 4-1/2, paints a reindeer at the Sweet Promise table.

Teresa Musni, of BabaBOWtique by Teresa, sells tutu bags and cute knit caps.

Ellie Tsai, 4, is a ray of sunshine in her yellow duck raincoat and galoshes.

Rob Hornfeck Enterprise rocks the Old Town Square stage.

Ida Beylee serves Greek baklava and cabbage rolls from Havabite Eatery.

Main Street view: Despite the rainy weather, crowds kept coming all day to the festival.

Eric Energy teaching children about the science behind tornadoes.


Elliott Hill, 5, poses with a festive stuffed animal at the Weber’s Pet Supermarket stand with employees (back, from left) Cindy Holcomb and Debra Clark.