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Former Oklahoma Gov. Frank Keating, president and CEO of the American Bankers Association, held up a dollar bill as a prize for the student who correctly answered the question about how many terms President George Washington had served. Student Iris Porter (left) represented the budget item Water, Alisha Hassan held up the sign for item Pet and Luke Selnau represented item Bike during the financial lesson held by Keating and U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine.

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Tease photo

Teaching Financial Skills

U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine and former Gov. Frank Keating, president and CEO of the American Bankers Association, visited Hollin Meadows Elementary School on Friday, April 11 to teach a financial literacy lesson to the school’s fourth graders. The event was sponsored by American Bankers Association and was part of its 18th annual Teach Children To Save Day.


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