All results / Stories / Kenneth%20R.%20%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BDKen%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%20Plum,%20State%20Delegate%20(D-36)

Opinion: Commentary: 2020 Virginia Legislature to Consider Many Reforms

Will sweeping change come to Virginia in 2020?


Commentary: 2017 General Assembly Is in the Books

In the 2017 General Assembly session, which ended on Feb. 25, we were able to make some progress in spite of a $1.1 billion budget shortfall.

Commentary: 2017 General Assembly Is in the Books

In the 2017 General Assembly session, which ended on Feb. 25, we were able to make some progress in spite of a $1.1 billion budget shortfall.

Taking Away a Right

Taking Away a Right

Commentary: Court Should Overturn Partisan Redistricting

Virginia is represented by Democrats in all five statewide offices, has voted for a Democratic president three times, yet the Virginia House of Delegates has 66 Republicans and 34 Democrats.

Opinion: Commentary: 400 Years of Democracy and Its Scars


Opinion: Commentary: 400 Years of Democracy and Its Scars


Opinion: Commentary: Protecting Women’s Medical Decisions


Column: News That’s Fit To Print

As our Publisher and fellow cancer survivor, Mary Kimm, e-mailed back to me last week: “Who knew ‘stable’ could be so exciting?”

Column: Selfless or Selfish

Selfless or Selfish

Tease photo

Upcoming Year in Lee District

There are some big changes coming to Lee District, which will make this an even more amazing place to live!

ife and Struggles after Roe

ife and Struggles after Roe


Although I’ve not seen the current “The Lone Ranger” theatrical release, I am of a certain age and generation who grew up watching – on black and white television with no remote control and only three watchable channels – the original “The Lone Ranger” (starring Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels), along with other weekday-afternoon and Saturday-morning classics like “The Rifleman,” “Roy Rogers,” “Sky King,” “Superman,” “Leave It To Beaver” and “Ozzie and Harriet” – in my house, anyway. And though the “effects” weren’t nearly as “special” as they are in today’s movie/television productions/versions, nevertheless, the effects on me, personally, were far greater. Can you say wholesome goodness? The Golden Rule? Do unto others…

Life and Struggles after Roe

Delegate Kenneth R. “Ken” Plum

The history of our country has been one of ever-evolving rights and freedom to fulfill the promises contained in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

In Case Someone Is Wondering

I don’t mind being alive, really I don’t. Occasionally though, I receive well-intended inquiries – electronic and otherwise, from people (who know my cancer story) who are sort of wondering if perhaps I’m not. When people haven’t heard from me in a while – and this is a category of people with whom I don’t have regular/recurring interactions, but rather a group of people who reach out and attempt to touch me (figuratively speaking) every three or four months or so – there is a presumption on their part that my silence (so far as they know) is not in fact golden, but rather ominous, as in the cancer might have won and yours truly didn’t. And when I respond, their pleasure/relief at my not having succumbed to the disease is quite positive, generally speaking. Their honesty and joy in learning that I’m still alive is both rewarding and gratifying. Rewarding in that they care and gratifying in that I must be doing something right which enables me to sustain myself through a very difficult set of medical circumstances: stage IV, non-small cell lung cancer, the terminal kind (is there any other kind?).

Whose Choice?

Whose Choice?

Whose Choice?


Commentary: The Case for Labor

A Place at the Table for Everyone Born

Some catchy phrases that led to success at the ballot box resulted in some terrible public policies.

Needless Government Meddling

Needless Government Meddling