Grand Marshall of the 2008 Scottish Christmas Walk Willard Scott with state Sen. Patsy Ticer and Alexandria Sheriff Dana Lawhorne
Photo by Louise Krafft/Gazette
Kyle Porpotage carries the chieftains banner with his clan.
Photo by Louise Krafft/Gazette
U.S. Senator-elect Mark Warner greets Lord Provost John Letford before the start of Saturday’s parade.
Photo by Louise Krafft/Gazette
Scottish Christmas Walk Weekend co-chair Cassie McLaughlin takes a seat with her children in a horse draw carriage for a ride through the parade route.
Photo by Louise Krafft/Gazette
Lucca takes shelter from the cold in a warm satchel.
Photo by Louise Krafft/Gazette
The flag bearers of the St. Andrews Society of Washington.
Photo by Louise Krafft/Gazette
Alexandria City Pipe’s and Drums Pipe Major John Sprague.