Wednesday/Dec. 24
<cal2>CHRISTMAS EVE DINNER. 4-6 p.m., Don Corleone's Brick Oven Pizzeria, 21018 South Bank St., Sterling. The community is invited for a free dinner and children's caroling. Donations to benefit Calvary Temple's African mission will be accepted. Call 703-444-4959.
<cal1>MONDAY/Jan. 5
<cal2> CONSTITUENT MEETING. 7:30 p.m., Fox Mill Elementary School, 2601 Viking Drive, Herndon. Sen. Mark Herring (D-33), along with Del. Ken Plum (D-36) will discussion and answer questions about the upcoming General Assembly session.
<cal1>THURSDAY/Jan. 8
<cal2> CONSTITUENT MEETING. 7 p.m., Loudoun County Government Building, 1 Harrison St. S.E., Leesburg. The Loudoun delegation will discussion and answer questions about the upcoming General Assembly session.