<i>Health notes are for support groups, exercise classes, blood drives and similar events open to the public at no or minimal cost. Send information to <a href=mailto:mclean@connectionnewspapers.com> mclean@connectionnewspapers.com</a>. Deadline is Friday.</i>
Lyme Disease support group meeting Thursday, Oct. 9, 1-2:30 p.m. Oakton Library, 10304 Lynnhaven Place, Oakton. Patients and caregivers welcome. natcaplyme@natcaplyme.org.
Vienna Weight Watchers. Meetings at the Vienna Community Center, 120 Cherry St., S.E., Vienna are every Tuesday from noon-1:15 p.m. Cost is $150 for 12 weekly luncheon sessions, payable in advance. To register call 703-255-6350.
Vienna Community Center has open gym for ages 17 and under, 3:30-5 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Call ahead to check on availability.
Heart and Sole. Persons with Parkinson’s Disease are invited to join an exercise class that meets weekly on Fridays and Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m., at the Vienna Community Center, 120 Cherry St. S.E., Vienna. Care partners and family members are welcome to come and assist the PD patient. For session dates, fees and information, call Cheryl Bartholomew at 703-281-1560. To register, call 703-255-6360 and specify the "Heart and Sole" class.
Body and Soul fitness classes recently began. Contact instructor for more information on individual classes; visit www.bodyandsoul.org for more classes. New students receive 15 percent discount. At McLean Bible Church, 8925 Leesburg Pike, McLean, on Mondays and Fridays, 9:45-11:15 a.m., free childcare, call Mary Ward at 703-754-3722.
At McLean Presbyterian Church, 1020 Balls Hill Road, McLean on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:30-1:15 p.m., strength training only, call Dana Elsnick at 703-847-9814.
At Epiphany United Methodist Church, 1014 Country Club Drive, NE, Vienna on Mondays, 9:15-10:15 a.m. active for life/low impact, call Lynn Mosteller at 703-698-8624.
At Grace Presbyterian Church, 2381 Cedar Lane, Vienna, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:45-11 a.m. call Lynne Brents at 703-242-8826.
At Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 2589 Chain Bridge Road, Vienna, on Wednesdays and Fridays, 9:15-10:30 a.m. active for life/low impact, call Lynn Mosteller at 703-698-8624.
Support meetings for parents of children with AD/HD are held every first Wednesday of the month at 7:15 p.m. at the offices of Annette Spector, 6845 Elm St., Ste. 710, McLean. E-mail Aspector@DER-online.com, call 703-641-5451 or visit www.novachadd.org. Free.
The Alzheimer's Association of the National Capital Area is starting a new caregiver support group that will meet on the second Monday of each month at 1 p.m. at The Sylvestery, 1728 Kirby Road in McLean. The Sylvestery is Vinson Hall Retirement Community's new assisted living residence for the care of people with memory impairments. Barbara Adams, M.S.W., will be the support group leader.
Multiple sclerosis support group. For anyone with multiple sclerosis and/or their friends and family. 7 p.m. on the second Wednesday of every month at Vienna Presbyterian Church, 124 Park St., N.E. Sponsored by the National Capital Chapter of the MS Society. Call 703-768-4841.
CTS Partners in Health offers free classes on Friday evenings from 6:30-7:30pm at 443 Carlisle Drive in Herndon. Call 703-568-9224 for more information:
Northern Virginia Stuttering Support Group, a support group for people who stutter meets the third Tuesday of the month at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax, 2709 Hunter Mill Road, Oakton, at 7:30 p.m. Call 703-319-8382 or e-mail virginia.nsa@earthlink.net.
The Greater Chesapeake and Potomac Blood Services Region of the American Red Cross is seeking volunteers to assist its blood collections staff at blood drives and blood donor centers. This position is offered to people who are 14 years of age or older. Training is provided. To register for training, call the American Red Cross Volunteer Office at 1-800-272-0094, ext. 1, or e-mail karlofft@usa.redcross.org.
Great Falls Parkinson’s Disease Support Group meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at St. Francis Episcopal Church, 9220 Georgetown Pike. The Parkinson Foundation welcomes PD patients and family members. They are dedicated to mutual self-help and the enhancement of coping skills for those with Parkinson’s Disease. There is no fee. Call Glenn Lawrence at 703-406-2732.
Peer support group for survivors of clergy abuse and others affected by the abuse, on the last Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m., in the downstairs meeting room at the Dolley Madison Library, 1244 Oak Ridge Road, McLean. Meetings are sponsored by Voice of the Faithful-Northern Virginia affiliate. Contact Ellen Radday at 703-538-6128.
Body and Soul Strength Training Class through mid-August on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:30 -1:15 pm in the McLean Presbyterian Church Multipurpose Room, 1020 Balls Hill Road, McLean. Exercise at your own level to positive music with ACE certified instructor Dana Elsnick. Contact Dana at 703-847-9814 or great314dane@yahoo.com. Other area classes can be found by going to www.bodyandsoul.org.
Living with Epilepsy Support Group for parents meets the 2nd Sunday of each month. 12:30 -1:30 p.m. at McLean Bible Church, Room 1410, 8925 Leesburg Pike. Call to register, 703-770-2942 or jackiemillsfernald@mcleanbible.org.
The Jewish Social Services Agency offers a variety of programs and support groups meeting at 3018 Javier Road, Fairfax. Call 703-204-9100 for more information.
* An Anxiety Management Group for children ages 8-10. Children learn to manage anxiety through discussion, games, and role-play.
* Teen Talk: An Adolescent Adoption Series, for adoptees ages 13-18. Searching for birth parents; integrating dual identities; and coping with minimal background information.
* Understanding Your Adopted Teen. A psycho-educational four session series for parents raising adopted teens.
* Support Group for Parents of Young Adults with Asperger's Syndrome and Related Disorders.
* Social Club for Young Adults with Asperger's Syndrome
JSSA and the Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia (JCCNV) present a social club for young adults diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome or related disorders.
* Get Connected: Adult Social Skills, for men and women ages 19-35 who may have Asperger's syndrome and are having difficulty transitioning into successful young adulthood.
* You and Your Aging Parents. Discussion topics include coping with illness, managing difficult emotions, identifying appropriate resources to support an aging parent and develop a care plan.