Heather Hill Gardens in Fairfax Station has pumpkins in all colors, shapes and sizes during their annual Pumpkin Patch. Photo Contributed
Friday/Oct. 19
Rummage Sale. 8 a.m.-1 p.m., at Lord of Life Lutheran Church, 13421 Twin Lakes Drive, Clifton. Sales at the huge church to benefit Fairfax FISH's support for needy families. 703-926-0274 or msherman@csuinc.com.
Dinner & a Movie Series. 7 p.m., a the Workhouse, 9601 Ox Road, Lorton. Plan 9 From Outer Space shows; enjoy an interesting film among cinephiles with a three-course dinner to complement the film's theme. $50. www.workhousearts.org.
Closing Reception. 7-9 p.m., at the Workhouse, 9601 Ox Road, Lorton. Closing reception for Gail and Robert's Raku and Smoke-fired Sculptures and Vessels, showcasing the couples well-lauded artwork; meet the artists before they lead their workshop. www.workhousearts.org.
Saturday/Oct. 20
All For 1 Indoor Yard Sale. 8 a.m.-1 p.m., at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 8304 Old Keene Mill Road, Springfield. Clothing, toys, kitchenware, books, home decor--all priced at $1. 703-451-5855.
Flea Market. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. VRE Commuter Rail Parking Lot, 6900 Hechinger Drive, Springfield. Sponsored by Springfield-Franconia Lions Club. Vendor fee $20 per parking space. Proceeds benefit local charities. 703-569-3074 or http://sfhostlions.org/fleamkt.html.
Gail and Robert Piepenburg Workshop. 10 a.m.-4 p.m., at the Workhouse, 9601 Ox Road, Lorton. The celebrated sculptors, teachers and writers lead their popular workshop; continued on Sunday, Oct. 21. www.workhousearts.org.
George Washington Vestry Election's 250th Anniversary. 4:30-7 p.m., at Pohick Church, 9301 Richmond Highway, Lorton. A colonial celebration in the historic church featuring a George Washington interpreter, living history actors and a short program, "George Washington: Vestryman," with Q&A and a book-signing to follow. $10 per person; $25 per family. 703-372-1296 or www.pohick.org.
Rummage Sale. 5-9 p.m., at Lord of Life Lutheran Church, 13421 Twin Lakes Drive, Clifton. The huge church sale benefits NOVACO's work to support victims of domestic abuse. 703-926-0274 or msherman@csuinc.com.
Sunday/Oct. 21
Gail and Robert Piepenburg Workshop. 10 a.m.-4 p.m., at the Workhouse, 9601 Ox Road, Lorton. The celebrated sculptors, teachers and writers lead their popular workshop; continued on Sunday, Oct. 21. www.workhousearts.org.
Wednesday/Oct. 24
Growing Up Grateful. 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m., at Kirkwood Presbyterian Church, 8336 Carrleigh Pkwy., Springfield. Come in casual dress to hear a talk on cultivating thankful attitudes in the children growing up in one of America's wealthiest counties; childcare, coffee, tea and homemade treats provided. $5. Register with number of children attending at MomsOnTheRun4@gmail.com.
Saturday/Oct. 27
Swiss Bakery & Pastry Shop Oktoberfest. 11 a.m.-2 p.m., 5224 Port Royal Road, Springfield. Featuring live music by Alte Kameraden, special menu, samples and a free Bavarian pretzel for all who come dressed in German clothing. 703-321-3670 or info@theswissbakery.com.
Run From Killer Zombies Race. 2 p.m., at Lorton "Super Max" Prison, 8501 Silverbrook Road, Lorton. $20-40. 888-554-6665 or www.runfromkillerzombies.com.
Clifton Haunted Trail. 7-10 p.m., marked with signs on Chapel Street off Clifton Road, Clifton. A winding spooky trail through the eight-acre Buckley Park including new and improved skits, reenactments, scary movie scenes and NO flashlights. www.cliftonhauntedtrail.com.
Sunday/Oct. 28
Frightful Bowling: Pumpkins, Goblins and Bowling! 1-3 p.m., at AMF Annandale Lanes, 4245 Markham Street, Annandale. A special fundraising event for Northern Virginia AIDS Ministry (NOVAM) with frightening door prizes and a costume contest; RSVP by Oct. 22. www.novam.org.
Dancing 4 Cures. 6 p.m., at Ernst Community Cultural Theater, NVCC, 8333 Little River Turnpike, Annandale. C4 Performing Arts, LLC, in parternship with Greater Little Zion Baptist Church Cancer Support Ministry in Fairfax and the BREM Foundation to Defeat Breast Cancer, host a concert; reception and silent auction precede show. 703-855-7687 or www.c4performingarts.com.
Surrounded by Monsters. 7 p.m., at Empire, 6355 Rolling Road, Springfield. Experimental noise band plays three days after their new album Novella is released. 703-569-5940.
Through Wednesday/Oct. 31
Heather Hill Garden's Pumpkin Patch. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Mondays-Fridays, 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Saturdays; 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Sundays. 8111 Ox Road, Fairfax Station. Get a pumpkin with admission and go from there: the tumble tube, pumpkin fort, petting zoo, zip line, etc. $6; 2-and-under, free. www.heatherhillgardens.com.