Classical Ballet Theatre offers full scholarships to boys and young men to train under Alisher Saburov, former Bolshoi Ballet star with masculine form, discipline and high expectations. Photo by Katie and Tony de la Paz
Classical Ballet Theatre (CBT) in Herndon offers full scholarships to boys and young men interested in training under the auspices of the renowned Alisher Saburov—a former Bolshoi Ballet star with high expectations and masculine form—who has produced very successful male athletes. His young dancers typically earn high placement in the Youth America Grand Prix competition, receive scholarships for summer training with outstanding ballet companies and portray important roles in CBT's full-length productions. Those who choose also go on to dance professionally. For example, one alumnus currently is performing with Atlanta Ballet and another enjoyed careers with San Francisco Ballet, Cincinnati Ballet and Smuin Ballet before enrolling in Stanford University.
At this time, there are openings in the scholarship program for new and current male dancers. For more information, contact Kim Brummett at 703-471-0750.