Following the induction ceremony, Churchill Road SCA officers, sponsors and the guest presenter posed for a group photo. From left (front row) are: Matthew Strong, secretary; Will Wheat, historian; Arielle Moore, sergeant-at-arms; Michael Hoeymans, treasurer; Izzy Schone, president and Sean Mullery, vice president; (back row) Churchill Road Assistant Principal Sharon Jones, Jason Cui, Langley High School SGA president; and Jamie Meyers, CRS SCA sponsor and school counselor. Kim Moran
On Friday, Oct. 11th, the Churchill Road SCA held its induction ceremony for its newly elected officers for 2013-2014: President—Izzy Schone; Vice President—Sean Mullery; Secretary—Matthew Strong; Historian—Will Wheat; Treasurer—Michael Hoeymans; and Sergeant At Arms—Arielle Moore. Parents, teachers and students observed the ceremony. CRS Assistant Principal Sharon Jones introduced the inductees. Senior Jason Cui, president of Langley High School SGA, addressed the audience, urging the new SCA officers to “not be afraid to ask for help; to learn to work well with others, and to believe in yourself.” After reciting the SCA pledge, newly elected SGA president Izzy Schone spoke, asking students to share any ideas they have about school programs and improvements in the suggestion boxes which will soon be placed in the school.