“Arts Alive! is a joint effort of the Prince Williams County Arts Council and The Hylton Performing Arts Center to provide an evening of performances and showcases by local performing and visual artists. On May 2, 12-4 p.m. at the Hylton Performing Arts Center, 10960 George Mason Circle, Manassas, children and adults will find performances from genres as different as ballet and belly dancing, alongside performances by gospel and flute choirs, and more. Guests will also find art on display and for sale, readings by local writers, and hands-on activities for children and adults. It is free to attend “Arts Alive.” Visit www.pwcartscouncil.org. Photo Contributed
Friday-Saturday/May 1-2
“Curtains.” 7:30 p.m. at Mountain View High School, 5775 Spindle Court, Centreville. The Alliance Theatre presents “Curtains.” It’s the promising year of 1959. Boston’s Colonial Theatre is host to the opening night performance of a new musical. When the leading lady mysteriously dies on stage the entire cast and crew are suspects. Visit www.thealliancetheatre.org for more.
Saturday/May 1
Community Yard Sale. 8 a.m.-2 p.m. at the corner or Pleasant Valley and Wetherburn Drive. Individual residences will be holding yard sales that can be found by retrieving a “treasure map.” Free to attend. Call 703-216-6730.
Sipping N Painting. 6:30 p.m. at The Winery at Bull Run, 15950 Lee Highway, Centreville. Tickets are $39. Visit www.wineryatbullrun.com.
Saturday-Sunday/May 2-3
D.C. Big Flea. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. on Saturday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. on Sunday at Dulles Expo Center, 4368 Chantilly Shopping Center, Chantilly. The “Big Flea” hosts more than 600 booths of antiques, collectibles, and vintage clothing. $8 for both days. Visit www.thebigfleamarket.com.
Saturday/May 2
Arts Alive! 12-4 p.m. at Hylton Performing Arts Center, 10960 George Mason Circle., Manassas. Find live performances, exhibits, etc. at this festival comprised of dance, theatre, music, literary arts and the visual arts. Free. Visit www.pwcartscouncil.org.
Kentucky Derby Party. 6 p.m. at Paradise Springs Winery, 13219 Yates Ford Road. For each bottle purchased, you may select a horse’s name from a jar. If your horse wins, you will win a prize. Visit www.paradisespringswinery.com.
Sunday/May 3
“Curtains.” 2 p.m. at Mountain View High School, 5775 Spindle Court, Centreville. The Alliance Theatre presents “Curtains.” It’s the promising year of 1959. Boston’s Colonial Theatre is host to the opening night performance of a new musical. When the leading lady mysteriously dies on stage the entire cast and crew are suspects. Visit www.thealliancetheatre.org for more.