On Saturday, Aug. 26, Curious George comes out for Storytime Live. 10 a.m.-noon at Kiddie Academy of Reston, 12320 Pinecrest Road, Reston. Visit www.kastorytime.com/ for more.
Wednesday/Aug. 23
Senior Movie Day. 10 a.m. at Reston Town Center, Bow Tie Cinemas, 11940 Market St. Reston Association presents a feature film. Refreshments and door prizes provided prior to movie. Free to 55+. Email Ashleigh@reston.org, call 703-435-6530, or visit reston.org for more.
Children’s Shows. 10 a.m. at Frying Pan Farm Park, 2739 West Ox Road, Herndon. 123 Andres in concert. Visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/huntermill/ for more.
Herndon Dulles Chamber 101. 8-9:30 p.m. at ArtSpace, 750 Center St., Herndon. Speakers include John Boylan, new president and CEO of the chamber and Vice Mayor Jennifer Baker will talk about the state of the town. Fran Rucker, director of business development will speak about involvement with the chamber and company brand. Email Franr@dulleschamber.org or call 571-323-5313 for more.
Thursday/Aug. 24
Art Crawl. 6-9 p.m. in downtown Herndon, in and around ArtSpace Herndon, 750 Center St. Musicians, live art demonstrations will be featured at the Art Crawl every Thursday evening. Call 703-956-9560 for more.
Summer Concerts. 7:30-8:30 p.m. at Frying Pan Farm Park, 2739 West Ox Road, Herndon. The Difficult Run String Band in concert. Visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/huntermill/ for more.
Friday/Aug. 25
Junk Food in Concert. 6:30-10:30 p.m. Herndon Town Green, 777 Lynn St. Food, beer, and wine are available, will be cancelled if it rains. Visit www.herndonrocks.com/ for more.
Saturday/Aug. 26
Storytime Live. 10 a.m.-noon at Kiddie Academy of Reston, 12320 Pinecrest Road, Reston. Stories and a visit from Curious George. Visit www.kastorytime.com/ for more.
Reston Concerts on the Town. 7:30-10 p.m. at Reston Town Center Pavilion, 11900 Market St., Reston Town Center. David Akers and the Soul Shakers. Free. Visit restontowncenter.com for more.
Monday/Aug. 28
Celebrate the First Day of School. 5-8 p.m. at Dairy Queen, 742 Lynn St., Herndon. Purchase a sweet treat at Dairy Queen and a portion of all proceeds go to support Herndon Village Network, a local, non-profit organization that provides transportation to Herndon’s senior citizens.Visit www.herndonvillagenetwork.org.
Thursday/Aug. 31
Dollars and Sense Book Club. 7 p.m. at Reston Regional Library, 11925 Bowman Towne Drive. Dollars and Sense Book Club will be discussing "Ponzi's Scheme: The True Story of a Financial Legend" by Mitchell Zuckoff. Free. Call 703-689-2700 for more.
Saturday/Sept. 2
Lake Anne Jazz & Blues Festival. 1-9 p.m. at Lake Anne Plaza (Waterfront) - 1609 Washington Plaza, Reston. Jazz & Blues Festival Line Up: 1 p.m. – Cheick Hamala Dibate; 2 p.m. – Sam Gunderson; 3 p.m. – John Lee & Michael Pavone; 4 p.m. – Integriti Reeves; 5 p.m. – Mykle Lyons – Sextet; 6 p.m. – Gigi MacClaughlin; 7 p.m. – Kriss Funn; 8 p.m. – Crush Funk Brass. Free. Visit www.lakeanneplaza.com for more.
Monday/Sept. 4
Herndon Labor Day Festival. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Outdoor festival on Lynn St. Virginia wine tastings, craft beers, music, craft show, and food vendors.
$20 wine and craft brew tastings, $2 additional beer tastings or $5 general admission. Call 703-787-7300 or visit herndon-va.gov/recreation.
Sept. 9-20
Northern Virginia Senior Olympics. Various times and locations, more than 50 different events taking place at more than 25 venues across Northern Virginia. Call 703-403-5360 or visit www.nvso.us for more.
Sunday/Sept. 10
DogFest. noon-3 p.m. at Reston Town Center, 11900 Market St., Reston. 4th annual Washington DC DogFest Walk ‘n Roll with festivities, graduate speakers, dog demonstrations, music, food, and more. Celebrate the community of people and dogs that show the most advanced technology for transforming the lives of people with disabilities. Free. Proceeds benefit Canine Companions for Independence – Capital Chapter. Visit cci.org for more.
Dog Daze and Wagfest. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. The Water Mine Family Swimmin’ Hole at Lake Fairfax Park will open for dogs-only swimming. Dogs can swim in Rattlesnake River for a suggested donation of $10 per dog. The day will also include a canine resource fair. Visit vendors including veterinarians, dog boutiques, the Park Authority and more. Learn about the county’s nine dog parks, find out how to volunteer as a dog park monitor and learn about dog park etiquette. Visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/rec/watermine/ or call 703-324-8662.
Wednesday/Sept. 13
Contact Center Nation. 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. at Hidden Creek Country Club, 1711 Clubhouse Road, Reston. Networking and call-center professionals meeting. Visit www.contactcenternation.com for more.
Saturday/Sept. 16
8K Race and 2K Walk/Fun Run. 8:30 a.m. at South Lakes High School, 11400 South Lakes Drive, Reston. In memory of Timothy P. Susco. This race is hosted each year by Tim’s family to honor and remember his life, as well as to promote brain aneurysm and organ donation awareness. Visit www2.fcps.edu/SouthLakesHS/ for more.
ChalkFest. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. at Reston Town Center, 11900 Market St.
Rain or shine. Registration fee for participation includes supplies. Call 703-467-9797 or email info@publicartreston.org for more.