The cast of Willy Wonka will be on stage July 28-30 at Herndon High School Auditorium, 700 Bennett St. Summer Grand cast presents play and tour of the chocolate factory. $12, tour is $3. Visit for more. Robert R. Maxwell
Wednesday/July 26
The Grandsons Jr. (Children Songs). 10-11 a.m. at the Visitor Center Pavilion, 2739 West Ox Road,
Herndon. Wednesday Morning Children’s Series. Free. Visit
Meet Me at the Movies. 10 a.m. at Bow Tie Cinemas, 11940 Market St., Reston Town Center. Reston Association presents “Gifted.” Refreshments and door prizes provided prior to movie. Free to 55+. Information at, 703-435-6530, or
Dog Days of Summer. 4-7 p.m. at Reston Town Center Pavilion, 11900 Market St., Reston Town Center. Dogs and owners can frolic in the Pavilion as it is transformed weekly into an off-leash play area. Treats, toys, areas to cool off, pet friendly giveaways, and more. Every Wednesday through Sept. 27. Free. Visit for more.
Thursday/July 27
Farmer’s Market. 8-12:30 p.m. on Lynn St. in downtown Herndon. Fresh produce and baked goods, with live entertainment on the Town Hall Square, 730 Elden St. through Aug. 31. Visit or call 703-787-7300.
ZoosDay. 10-10:45 a.m. at Reston Town Square Park, 11990 Market St., Reston Town Center. Animal and miniature animal petting zoo with hands-on, educational experiences. Kid-friendly giveaways plus activities like Legos and Play-Doh. Free. Rain or shine. Visit
Summer Movie Series. 2 p.m. at Reston Regional Library, 11925 Bowman Towne Drive. Hindi musical about a musician who falls for an unhappy woman who is waiting for her absent love to return. In Hindi, with English subtitles. Free. Call 703-689-2700 for more.
Jazz History Lecture. 6-7 p.m. at Greater Reston Arts Center, 12001 Market St., Suite 103. Michael J. West is a jazz journalist that delivers a lecture followed by open conversation. Free. Visit or call 703-471-9242.
Art Crawl. 6-9 p.m. in downtown Herndon, in and around ArtSpace Herndon, 750 Center St. Musicians, live art demonstrations will be featured at the Art Crawl every Thursday evening. Call 703-956-9560 for more.
The Spiritual Rez (Reggae/Funk). 7:30-8:30 p.m. at Kidwell Farm, 2709 West Ox Road, Herndon. Thursday Evening Concert Series. Free. Visit
Friday/July 28
Live Music at Tavern64. 6-10 p.m. at Tavern64, 1800 Presidents St., Reston Town Center. Live music every Friday night. Call 703-925-8250 or visit
Traveling Players Ensemble. 8-10 p.m. at Reston Town Center Pavilion, 1818 Discovery St. The Comedy of Errors is a performance of Shakespeare’s farce. Free. Rain or shine. Bring a lawn chair for seating. Visit for more.
July 28-30
Willy Wonka. Various times at Herndon High School Auditorium, 700 Bennett St. Summer Grand cast presents play and tour of the chocolate factory. $12, tour is $3. Visit for more.
Saturday/July 29
Family Game Days. 10:30 a.m.-noon at Town Hall Square, 730 Elden St. Different games each Saturday from corn hole to sack races. Free. Email or call 703-787-7300 for more.
Blue Sky Puppet Theatre. 10-10:45 a.m. at Reston Town Center Pavilion, 11900 Market St., Reston Town Center. A show filled with audience participation and humor. Visit or call 703-476-4500 for more.
Dollars and Sense Book Club. 7 p.m. at Reston Regional Library, 11925 Bowman Towne Drive. Topic will be "Things a Little Bird Told Me" by Biz Stone. Free. Call 703-689-2700 for more.
Love Canon Concert. 7:30-10 p.m. at Reston Town Center, 11900 Market St. Bluegrass version of hits from the ’80s. Call 703-912-4062 or visit for more.
Hillbilly Gypsies Concert. 7:30 p.m. at at Arrowbrook Centre Park, Field Point Road, Herndon. Bluegrass music. Call 703-324-7469 or visit
Sunday/July 30
Exercise with Athleta. 11 a.m.-noon at Reston Town Center Pavilion, 11900 Market St., Reston Town Center. Bollywood with Fitness Equation of Ashburn, part of Athleta’s free fitness sessions with a variety of fitness instructors every Sunday morning. Call 703-668-0256 or visit
Sunday Art in the Park. 3-5 p.m. in the Park Reston Town Square Park, 11900 Market St. See local art and talk to artists. or call 703-471-9242 for more.
Film Screening. 6 p.m. in Timothy’s Episcopal Church, 432 Van Buren St., Herndon. Martin Scorsese’s newest film about a 17th century Portuguese Jesuit priest. Email or for more.